After ensuring domestic capacity in equipment manufacturing, another goal of the oil industry is to support manufacturers in increasing quality, reducing time and reasonable prices as the three basic factors for competitiveness of goods that in addition to meeting domestic needs can lead them to markets. International Push. Therefore, the approach of the Ministry of Oil is to play the role of the main driver of growth and development of domestic industries (consultants, manufacturers and contractors) and to achieve a suitable position of technology in the oil and gas industry in the world. Therefore, identifying and monitoring the qualifications of capable companies, cooperation with universities and knowledge-based centers, accelerating the domestic production of more than ten families of strategic goods in the oil industry, identifying and growing innovative technologies, developing clear and efficient standards, increasing internal share in design, supervision , Construction of equipment and construction of facilities, organizing the supply system of oil industry, etc. for the development of domestic construction, especially advanced equipment and management of mega projects in the oil industry is a priority of this organization.
Supporting domestic manufacturers, greater transparency in the processes of supply and manufacture of goods, policies to increase the speed and quality of supply and commercialization of technology, policies to create resource databases of reputable domestic and foreign manufacturers (sellers, suppliers, companies Transportation, technical inspection of financial services, administrative services, contracting, etc.) in the main companies and subsidiaries of the central office and the creation of a database of items, etc. are on the agenda of the Deputy Minister of Engineering, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Oil.
Iran is one of the few countries that meets the major needs of the oil industry from within. This has not happened in any of Iran's neighboring countries. Some of the first steps taken in the region in recent years; Presence of Iranian oil exploration and production (E&P) companies in projects, localization of more than 10 groups of functional and strategic goods in the oil industry, supply of 100% of gas supply equipment to cities and villages from within with thousands of billions of Tomans project, implementation of multi-billion dollar project Maintenance and production by domestic companies, ban on the purchase of 84 items of foreign goods and equipment with similar domestic production, the formation of a council to support knowledge-based companies and start-ups, etc.